Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

More Than Quirky

Updated: August 2024

This Privacy Policy pertains to the commitment by More Than Quirky (MTQ) to protect the privacy of readers (Readers) and clients (Clients) of MTQ, its related website (Website), and services (Services). More Than Quirky requests that Readers and Clients read this policy, and contact MTQ with any questions or concerns.

The provision of personal information by Readers and Clients indicates the access, viewing, and acceptance of this Privacy Policy.

Readers and Clients are under no obligation to provide personal information, however failure to do so may result in affect use of the Website or Services. More Than Quirky will not be held liable for lack of Services or access to information due to lack of provision of personal information by the Client or Reader.

The terms set out in this Privacy Policy apply to all Types of Personal Information as defined below.

1.     Types of Personal Information

a. Personal Information includes information More Than Quirky may collect, including:

i.   Name
ii.  Contact details such as email address, postal address, and telephone number
iii.  Relationship to child in question
iv.  Family member’s/s’ name(s), gender(s), and date(s) of birth
v.   Information about child and/or family neurotype(s)
vi.  Various preferences and opinions
vii. Any other information provided by the Reader or Client

b. Digital Information More Than Quirky or the Website may collect includes:

i. Information about access and use of the Website, including use of Internet cookies
ii.    Browser type
iii.   Operating system
iv.   Name of Internet Services Provider
v.    Communications with the Website
vi.   Communications with More Than Quirky via email and/or web forms

c. Third-Party Information includes any information regarding you or your child that has been provided by a third-party. This includes an implied connection to the third-party.

2.     Collection and Use of Personal Information

a. The purpose of More Than Quirky collecting personal information is to:

i.    To contact and communicate with Readers and Clients
ii.    Maintain accurate internal records
iii.   Improve understanding of our client demographic, for business development and marketing purposes
iv.   Tailor content to suit audience needs and preferences
v.    Form informed opinions about your situation, child, and needs

3.     Disclosure of Personal Information

a. We may disclose Reader and Client personal information:

i.    To the specific Reader or Client who owns that information, for the purpose of providing information or services to that Client or Reader
ii.    To the More Than Quirky Website host, through their access to our information on their servers. This third-party has their own stringent Privacy Policy which will not encroach on Client or Reader privacy
iii.   If there is a change of control of More Than Quirky or sale or transfer of business assets, MTQ reserves the right to transfer to the extent permissible at law our Reader and Client databases, including any personal and non-personal information contained within those databases. This information may be disclosed to a potential purchaser. Where this information is disclosed, it would be done so in good faith and MTQ would seek to maintain confidentiality.

4.     Rights and Control

a. Readers and Clients maintain the right to choose whether to provide personal information. Provision of personal information confirms agreement with the terms in this Privacy Policy.

b. Readers and Clients may restrict the collection or use of their personal information. If personal information has been collection previously, Readers and Clients may request to opt out at any time by contacting More Than Quirky at the email address listed in this Privacy Policy.

c. As per the Privacy Act 1988, in specific circumstances Readers and Clients may request details of personal information. An administration fee may be charged by More Than Quirky to the Reader or Client for the provision of this information. As per the Privacy Act 1988, MTQ may refuse to provide requested information in specific circumstances.

d. If the Reader or Client believes information held is inaccurate, incomplete, irrelevant, or misleading, Reader or Client can request correction by contacting More Than Quirky at the email address listed in this Privacy Policy. MTQ will endeavour to promptly correct any erroneous information, and respond to request within a reasonable time.

e. If More Than Quirky is suspected of breaching the Australian Privacy Principles, complaints can be made by emailing the email address listed in this Privacy Policy, outlining details of the perceived breach. MTQ will promptly investigate all complaints, and will respond in writing to advise of the outcome of the investigation, any required remedies, and any other actions.

f. Readers, Clients, Newsletter subscribers, and Membership holders, can unsubscribe from the email database, or opt out of communications, by using the link at the bottom of said communications or emailing More Than Quirky using the email address provided in this Privacy Policy.

5.     Storage and Security

a. More Than Quirky uses third-party resources to ensure physical, electronic, and managerial procedures are utilised to safeguard and secure the information of Readers and Clients, to protect it from misuse, interference, loss, unauthorised access, modification and disclosure.

b. No information transmitted over the Internet can be guaranteed to be secure. More Than Quirky cannot guarantee the security of any information provided to MTQ, or transmitted by MTQ. The transmission and receipt of information is carried out at the risk of Readers and Clients. Although More Than Quirky take adequate and appropriate measures to safeguard personal information, MTQ cannot ensure that personal information we collect will not be disclosed in a manner inconsistent with this Privacy Policy.

6.     Cookies

a. The More Than Quirky Website may use Cookies. Cookies are text files placed in computer browser to store preferences. Cookies do not tell MTQ Reader or Client email address or personally identifiable information. However, once a Reader or Client chooses to provide the Website with this information it may be linked to the data stored in the Cookie.

7.     External Links

a. The More Than Quirky Website contains links to other websites. MTQ does not have control over those websites. MTQ is not responsible for or have liability for the protection and privacy of any information Readers or Clients provide whilst visiting such websites. As such websites linked to from the Website are not governed by this Privacy Policy

8.     Amendments

a. More Than Quirky has the discretion to amend this Privacy Policy at any time without notice. These changes will be effective as soon as they have been posted on the Website.

b. It is the responsibility of the Reader or Client to check the Privacy Policy periodically to observe any changes. Continued use of the Website after any amendments indicates acceptance of the new Privacy Policy by the Reader or Client.

c. Readers or Clients should review this Privacy Policy prior to providing personal information to ensure they are aware of any changes, and should only proceed to provide personal information if they accept the current Privacy Policy.

For any questions or feedback, please contact More Than Quirky at:

Jennifer Ava Goodwin trading as More Than Quirky (ABN 76 412 783 915)
Late update: August 30, 2024

Copyright 2024 Jennifer Ava Goodwin trading as More Than Quirky (ABN 76 412 783 915)